“I love qigong classes where a 25 year-old star athlete practices right alongside a 75 year-old Qigong practitioner, both realizing that it is much more about the mind’s capacity to flow healing energy than what your age or current physical or emotional issues might be.”
This quote sums up Debra Moore’s philosophy. Join her for a Wisdom Healing Qigong class. All are welcome, from experienced practitioners to beginners. The practice is a powerful way to increase endurance, reduce stress, feel more joy, heal faster from injuries, and just plain have a much better quality of life.
Qi, also spelled “chi,” refers to the life energy that flows through all things in the universe. Qigong (pronounced “chee gung”) is the skillful practice of optimizing our flow of our internal life energy essential for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
Debra also offers weekly classes at her home studio and at the Embodiment Center in downtown Asheville.